No food and few flowers are found in the large market by our apartments on Monday mornings. I was eager to peruse in search for potential food photography props. One of my goals here is to take the time to plan, set up and produce food shots. I grabbed PB as soon as we awoke to get there. There was so much to take in and quickly I found myself in sensory overload. I definitely had 2 people in my mind as I "shopped" looking for the just right items- my sweet cousin, Kaye W. who would have totally find the perfect items and be charming enough to ask for "best price" and my talented food photographer friend, Elizabeth G. . I weaved in and out of the rows and then made mental selections before circling back to them to buy. I'm not complete in props, but made got a nice start. My eyes are peeled for old and worn as I move around on my my walks in the city and nearby towns.