It all started when…
the Travel School Project landed in Nice, France in the spring of 2016. My family experienced daily living on the French Riviera for three months. We set up “home” in a small, modestly furnished apartment on the 5th floor of a just stairs building located in the pedestrian only “Old Town” (Vieille Ville). The kids did schoolwork virtually. I kept busy with small domestic chores, and photography took a personal direction as I gave up client work and editing while abroad.
Our apartment had only 3 windows- all with the same view overlooking the busy foot trafficked- Rue du Marché . I loved that there were no vehicular noises. Just voices, clanking restaurant sounds, and rolling metal storefront doors. So many times, I was pulled to hang my head outside of the dining room window to see what was going on down there. The changes in light, weather, people patterns called me to photograph daily. I often captured in the afternoon, but never limited myself to a set time. Stringing these images together takes me right back to that apartment. I can taste, hear and smell the daily life we experienced that semester in Nice, France.