Ground Level Fall | Fairhope, AL

Friends and their band. Ohhh- that would be a great post title. Meet Ground Level Fall. A local Fairhope band made up of friends looking for a creative outlet from their professional day jobs. They love to treat their concert crowds to some enjoyable rock n' roll style tunes. I especially liked pushing my low light photography for the event.We love supporting their musical talents. This was a night shot of a set they did being the entertainment at the finish line of a fundraiser race for the Fairhope library. I can still hear the song being sung! (If only I could add that tune into this post).


Conversion (start of a photoblog)

Conversion- a change in the form of a thing. I'm starting a new adventure in my photography journey. A few years ago, I started a personal blog to highlight our happenings with our family of 5. Mainly to keep all the grandparents informed of our musings . A highlight of that blog was writing and uploading pictures while on a family vacation in Europe (summer 2010). I was still green to the blog thing. My passion for photography was not though. I stayed up way past my bedtime many nights on that trip so excited to share our adventures while abroad. It wasn't simple. Often the speed of the internet service wherever we were roosting dictated my entries. I also found myself frustrated with the limitations to the style/size/arrangements of my images on the entries.  Then a year ago, I started a photography website. Rather static, it was a proud display of my work. This past summer (2012), we again had the privilege to travel in Europe. This time, I knew my challenges of blogging and showing off personal photography was not conducive to enjoying the family vacation. I needed to simplify the process while soaking up the trip! So a new blog was born . This was created for the ease of using an iPhone to take pictures and blog easily. Of course it wasn't the only camera with me. But, it allowed us to share our trip quickly with family and friends.

So here I am now. Realizing that I need to hone my blog skills and have more space for highlighting my photography journey. I've converted my static website to a photoblog. I'm venturing out and look forward to the surprises it brings my way. The hardest part so far has been the first entry.

So with the hardest part behind me I say, "bon voyage"!