Amy and Eric have been good friends for a long time. I was flattered that they invited me to their awesome dock on Dog River in Mobile for a photo session with them and their four legged family. Meet India, Black Jack, Stella and Tori (the newest and smallest edition)! We had a blast and I was truly challenged to capture everyone in their most flattering poses. I can verify that treats were generously passed around for good behavior! It took a lot of camera shutters and awkward photographer poses, but I am thrilled with the end results! I look forward to hanging with this family again!
Ground Level Fall | Fairhope, AL
Friends and their band. Ohhh- that would be a great post title. Meet Ground Level Fall. A local Fairhope band made up of friends looking for a creative outlet from their professional day jobs. They love to treat their concert crowds to some enjoyable rock n' roll style tunes. I especially liked pushing my low light photography for the event.We love supporting their musical talents. This was a night shot of a set they did being the entertainment at the finish line of a fundraiser race for the Fairhope library. I can still hear the song being sung! (If only I could add that tune into this post).