This year's Christmas marks a new beginnings of Christmas mornings. We completed a year- long renovation and moved into our new house. This created pause and thought into how our family's Christmas morning would work. Traditionally, the kids wake us up from outside our bedroom door and only Paul and me enter into the living room to "check" if Santa indeed did come to deliver presents! Our tradition has been for the kids to line up in the bedroom hall before they go see for themselves so I can take a picture. My first thought looking at this year's picture is "Wow!"-
They've grown so much. Wilson is as tall if not taller than me (cough… 5'10") and the others aren't far behind. Our feet are big too! We are all into adult shoes now.
One day when I get all my photos back together in a mutual spot, I'll round up these Christmas morning hall pictures and witness the yearly growth of my kids. But for now, the here and now, I relish in my kids excitement to wake up in our new house on Christmas morning and for their joy in seeing the presents that have been left. We feel so blessed to have a place to call home, family to share it with and old and new traditions to carry on.